Hand Therapy 

Hand therapy is a fundamental part of the treatment of hand conditions sometimes as the main intervention or before and after surgery. The recovery of correct movements, adaptation for good functional use and to minimise pain are the usual aims of treating hand conditions and your specialist therapist is an expert with advanced training beyond that of a general physio therapist or occupational therapist. The fitting and use of customised splints combined with tailored treatments based on your individual issues are the fundamentals of this and require a good working relationship between the therapist and their client (patient). All appointments that the therapists make with you are important and not optional; failure to attend these can result in poor outcomes that may not be correctable afterwards. Patients should bring all their splints with them to their appointments unless otherwise advised. Much of the treatment will be for you to do at home with appropriate instructions (information sheets will be provided as needed) on how to do them correctly. Each session with a therapist is payable on the day where the treatment is carried out.

There are excellent therapists available in the Sports Surgery Clinic (SSC Santry), the Hermitage Clinic Lucan, the Beacon Hospital Sandyford, St Vincent’s Private hospital and hopefully the Bon Secours Glasnevin shortly. Due to severe capacity issues in the public hospitals it is not an option to switch between the public and private hospital systems for your therapy as you may find yourself on a waiting list for treatment. Hand therapists are based around the major cities in Ireland (mainly Dublin) so depending on where you live this may involve some travel which may require someone else to bring you as your hand may not be ready or may have a splint fitted making it unsafe to drive.